Jun 20, 2011

carta a un amigo

Un poco de aca, porque capaz que escribiendo se alegra un corazón triste, aunque no esta triste. SOlo incompleto. Reformulo pues la afirmación: capaz que escribiendo , las letras tejan oraciones que abriguen el vacío que hay hoy dentro mío.  

D O W N & U N D E R


the bliss (en castellano)

Hoy me levanté decidida a que si la rutina te puede, entonces mejor uno poder con la rutina: cambiarla, modificar algunos hábitos, aunque sea solo por la diversión de jugar unos instantes al gato y al ratón con las agujas del reloj, que todos los días dan la misma vuelta, de la misma forma, a la misma hora, del mismo color, el mismo sabor.


nevermind the world
nevermind the smell
seems like my teen spirit's in bloom
don't let it stop you
from coming to me
come as you are
nevermind the world
don't get paranoid
let ourselves breed
quit that lithium 
that's filling your head
don't be scared polly
I'll hold your hand
I'll keep you safe and warm
nevermind these feelings
even if you are
even if your are not
they're coming after us
you are in my system now 
I like you
don't know what life is 
give me your life, teach me
now I need to drain you
now I know,
it's just a lounge act
little meaning, so lost they are
wouldn't wanna hurt you
so stay away stay away
I'm so high, I can't love you
I'll stay away
nevermind the world
nevermind their smell
nevermind these words
i'm so high, I can't love you
I'm on a plain


I have done my time in the back
I have done my time in the front
It is time for me to come out
It is time for me to let go, move on.

You wish to go back
Keep seeking for the elixir
You seek for another instant 
                       //of happiness.

It is not a matter of going back
That time is gone and will not return
You can not go back in time
You can only stand or sit
and Wait or Hope
That time will go by
That time will take you there.

I Wish you a plentiful life.
DXB - Jun 2011

Del pensar y otros demonios

Aire fresco
Hoy, de vuelta se puso el sol en ... Diría en el cielo, pero de ahí voló al mas allá, a las tierras oscuras de la noche.
Ella se puso el vestido oscuro, los zapatos de charol y se recogio el cabello. Salió en busca de aire fresco. Pareciera que con la oscuridad cayó también el calor, pues el fresco en el aire se hacía desear.
Era sofixante (Borges Diria una mezcla entre sofocante y asfixiante). 
Poco a poco, y bien despacito, fueron moviéndose sus pies sobre un cordón de concreto escurridizo, cuidando de no quebrar la filmina invisible de la humedad que casi no la deja avanzar en esta tarde. Filmina que casi casi pega las agujas del reloj cósmico en la hora de la eternidad, y a ella en este instante del universo, de la humanidad, de la vida; hasta quién sabe cuándo? 

No le intimidan las gotas que la visten de seda. Como no le intimidan las miradas ajenas, curiosas, amigables, perversas, inquisitivas, infinitas. Sigue avanzando, ella tan infinita como esta vida, tan finita que le podemos dar infinidad de adjetivos. Avanza descuidada, precavida, curiosa, inquisitiva, casi ajena a lo terrenal, sin rumbo y con certeza sobre la orilla de un mar invisible, imaginario, irreal.
Si arriba es adelante, si el sur se corrió al oeste; qué más da!? No hay perímetro que encierre lo real. 
Porqué habrïan las almas de tambalear cuando cuando los cuerpos cierran los ojos, si el centro y el balance están dentro?

Jun 9, 2011

KIA-ORA! (?)

This happened at the most unexpected place ever. It was a bit disappointing actually, but, I guess shit happens.

you, over here please. Where are you coming from?


ah... did the company provide you with accommodation there?

Yes (in a Du-uh tone, like c'mon man! OBVIOUS!!)

for how long have you been working at emirates?

October will be three years, you can do the maths better than me probably

are you enjoying it?

Yes, otherwise i would be gone

do you have a passport that i can see?

"another stupid question" was my first thought. - i show it- she reads the first page, which is expired, and returns it. "WhaTheFuck?" was my second thought.

do you have any new c..s?

Any new what?


I'm sorry , I don't think I understand or know that word

c-l-o-t-h-e-s- (in a tone for 3yrs idiots). did you go shopping in australia?

Ehm, noo

when was the last time you used drugs?

-blushed- Like 3 years ago before joining

what kind of drugs?



Yes, why?

are you sure? No other drugs, that was the last time?

Yes, I can't do drugs on this job, You wanna test me? (And I stretched my arm in sign of: get blood off me if you want) Where can I piss? Check my bag, go ahead

are you sure? we just found out it's not true you can't do it (by this time a guy joined her in the interrogation and bullying)

Whaaaaaaat? What is this about? Of course we cant!

(and i will never admit I did it here in AKL with two kiwis on my 3rd layover, or in BUE in my every leave, or in Egypt some months ago!)

is marihuana the only drug you take?

I don't do it anymore. But yes, why ? You mind my asking what is all this about?

we are immigration police and we can ask whoever we want whatever we want.
Say no more. I know, but there's limits to all, you know? SPecially attitude. Maybe 10yrs+ of being a PRO-Well-Payed-Slave I expect everyone to be nice at every circumstance. Whatever. First serious interrogation by police : and it sucked!
Of course, it would have really sucked being harrassed by police in a Thai jail, cold, scared, hungry and all that jazz. But c'mon, I was just being in the queue to x-ray my bag, that was too much bullying for just standing there. And they're kiwis. I never met a bad one!