Feb 11, 2010

Maradona WHO?

About Maradona by Kusturica
and a bit of Personal Retrospective

I am from the generation that was born when the Malvinas "issue" was boiling; the generation that was born under the first "democracy" after long long time; the generation that was born almost at the same time as a star ... and sadly saw the star die too soon.

Feb 9, 2010


"La particula cosmica que navega en mi sangre
Es un mundo infinito de fuerzas siderales.
Vino a mi tras un largo camino de milenios
Cuando, tal vez, fui arena para los pies del aire.

Luego fui la madera, raiz desesperada.
Hundida en un silencio de un desierto sin agua.
Despues fui caracol quien sabe donde.
Y los mares me dieron su primera palabra.

Reconciliation no matter what!(?)

Scary as it is, this is the society I live in.

This is the place where in a way, I am "at home".

Creepy as it sounds, I am happy here.

Feb 4, 2010

April 2008 (a PS)

The trick is the timing!
If you do it at the right time, the valueing things as they are: gifts we win constantly, not granted & not measurables with a meter or a coin valuables... then it's sort of sublime -and ephimerous as all sublime things- ups & DOWNS included (100% guarantee on that!)
and to think that I am since April 2008 trying to do this! LOL big time! It doesn't seem to be so hard...