About Maradona by Kusturica
and a bit of Personal Retrospective
I am from the generation that was born when the Malvinas "issue" was boiling; the generation that was born under the first "democracy" after long long time; the generation that was born almost at the same time as a star ... and sadly saw the star die too soon.

And from that episode when he was called for the AntiDoping in the WorldCup ... til today... well it was all too fast and too bad. FRom bad to worse and lingering in betweem them both. The best that happened was meeting death and taking life back. PLZ keep in mind these are just impressions of a simple fan of Maradona in the good days, too heartbroken until today that just came back form watching a documentary where I could see him in his grossest moment, babbling more nonsense than sense though some very sensible stuff too, getting hurt once more... "What a football player we missed!" as he says when he wonders what would have been of him without coke!
But one thing I must admit: seeing his regret, listening it, feeling it deep inside when his obscured lost and confused look meets you through the screen made me in a way make peace with him, with the long ago now gone childhood hero.
---coz no actors in between, he was playing himself better than anyone, and directed by a fan of this once footballgod, filmmaker Kusturica, trying to discover what's inside him, asking what we would, showing us what THE HUMAN INSIDE---
It was like a knock on my door and unexpectedly seeing him there when I opened it. Him the no longer even close to being a football player compared to what he once was, him an abscent father to his girls, a horrible husband to his wife, him the one that had it ALL too much, ALL too fast but the smartness to be GREAT. Him and his RegREt.
Saaaad man, despite the cheerfulness of the nightlife, and the roaring of full football stadiums, manu chao's sweet full of hope lyrics and happy guitar, they are just basic notes for a great tango: Melancholy, Drama and Romance, Passion of the masses.
“We were dreaming about who Maradona is…and we’re still in the same place.” Kusturica says. .
ExFootball Player, Actor, Political Activist (?), DrugAddict =S & latest NationalTeamCoach (what were we talking about?)
And I wonder who can he lead? When he doesn't really know who he is. .
Now, (retrospective) it's amazing to me seeing how in poor(er) countries something as football can move the masses so much, aye? How something like Maradona can influence so much people. And once again, it's not personal and no offense (and I might even agree, or not, with some of his points of view) but he barely knows what's going on in his life and he dares be such a "political advisor" in a way..... And that makes me sad, because when I see that I understand why a country like mine, naturally so rich is still so poor. Of course, we are not Haiti, we are not Somalia... but we once were a great nation.
This made me think so much. Because I am not there I see many things that maybe lots of people that are there can't really see because they happen too slowly, or because the bigger picture dont let them see the detail. But I'm away, and I have a loooot of spare time, and I L O V E thinking, critical analysis.
I decided not to take it: The seeing how despite how much lots of individual personal efforts put together can't against a fews corrupted acts, its consequences in every level... I don't want to be part of that kind of society that's blinded by the hope of a world cup, that's fooled with a couple of free public concerts etc etc...
It also made me think how its so easy to see and listen and argue and discuss about other people's life, about the nation and society and about everything. But how hard it is doing it about oneself. And it would be very easy to regret so many things we do if we all had our lives projected in the big screen every now and then, aye? (I bet many of us would refrain from many things if we even know the camera was out there! LOL) But how much harder would it be NOT HAVING ANY REGRET AT ALL if we had out life projected in the big screen. ..?
After all, who doesnt have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and/or an unforgettable love?
DIEGO, after aaaaalllll SOS LO MAS man!
like your motto "He who knows W H Y for his existance can bear with almost any H O W" girl... sounds like you are living your dream of seeing the world. Lot of people would be envious!