Apr 21, 2010

7 days, (local newspaper) Public Interest News

Bin Laden deleted as facebook friend
Al Qaeda leader had 1,000 fans

Apr 17, 2010

Of Heaven and Of Hell, what I can tell...

I don't know i
f I can tell
Heaven from Hell.
I believe, 
they are associates 
in the dirtiest 
of societies:
dual and bizarre, 
definitely unique; 
S l a v e s   a n d   S o v e r e i g n s  
of Themsleves.

En el barrio "condenados a muerte" hierven en la hoguera de la ignorancia millones de almas sin esperanza de siquiera imaginar cuánto existe más allá del humo de la pipa más dulce o del bamboleo de una metralla. Hierven a fuego lento en el movido rincón al que llaman corazón, pudriendose, sin siquiera enterarse, de tanto rencor. Danza el temor en el estruendo y resplandor de cada noche y son detenidas, en el día a día, la inocencia y la conciencia: Que se esconden con sus ideales para no ser aniquiladas.

Y del otro lado, donde todo esto existe en los papeles de un bosque desaparecido, como cuento de hadas, fabulosa e irreal, donde brilla bañada en oro y se pasea la riqueza con tanta franqueza.
Queda congelada, en una raya de asombro, la imagen en su cabeza. Muchas veces se reconocen en el espejo, muchas otras se repelen solo con el miedo de reconocerse. Y cuantas pasa que se rompen corazones con el ínfimo e íntimo -y efímero en esta vida eterna- encuentro de las miradas, de lo real y del fiel reflejo, el encuentro del deseo corrupto y el esclavo impoluto y maloliente? O los rompen los malditos sentimientos, esos que se escapan del cuento de hadas y leen el periódico de mañana, igual que el del año pasado y que el del siglo anterior: 
         corrupción, paz, culpa, amor, odio, paz, orgullo, amor, remordimiento, paz,, rencor, amor, temor, paz,, fanatismo, A M O R , p A Z , F e l i i D a D ?

Jan 2009

Apr 16, 2010

Under the same Sky

Through my window the first rays, still cold and orange. I look at them, I turn around and try to go on. I stay up thinking, accompanied by my clothes, some bizarre accessories that you never know where they came from nor how they last all night long in my bed, my bottle of water... Everything is there. Just like yesterday, probably, just like tomorrow. And I think until I am fed up of thinking and fall asleep again. Now the same rays are more aggressive and wake me up for good, I rehydrate myself and think "he's gotta be coming soon!!!" with a joy that fills my soul for a split of a second, then oblivion lets memory take place and I remember that this time, well this time is different. TOday you don't come back like yesterday, nor you will tonight at some ridiculous time ... nor tomorrow.
Things change constantly,verbiage attack, my spirit escapes my body and roams around. But this is not the same, and I want it to be the same, it hurts not being able to share the spontaneous and authentic excitement of the just occurred.
And arriving home and sharing a coffee, a muffin, a smoke or whatever...There it waits, all. With a calmness that freaks me out. Here, life, in between books in the shelves and hindi incense smells. Glasses in the cupboard laughing at their emptiness and ice literally just freezing... waiting for you to come back and go on, under the same sky.

Feb. 2009


La verdad obscura y ausente
Que brillen palabras
Sin fundamento.
ASI LLENEN el firmamento.

eternal reality

"The best things can't be said, there are no words for some comprehensions"
"LAs mejores cosas no pueden decirse, no hay palabras para ciertas comprensiones"
Some Wise man-Algun Sabio

"Logic is overrated. Fabulous. There's always another way."
"La logica esta sobrevalorada. Fabuloso. Siempre hay otra forma."
Unknown but gooood one!

un pensamiento de enero

Corria, mientras el sol nacia, la noche empalidecia y Los recuerdos se desvanecian en la niebla. La sangre, batida, tras cada paso, con el pincel del viento, un nuevo cuento: la inspiracion resurgia! Que alegria! Atras quedo Esa noche, atras quedo ese dia...

PleAse KEep BreaThinG

No Dreams
No Goals
No Achievements
To go after.
As mechanical
As a wall clock
Back and Forth
Time and again
Walking in vain.
Stiffened heart,
Without notice,
Without motive
To live
You die...

PleAse KEep DreaMInG:
For my very Beloved
One and Only

just being

its certainly a normality that escapes the average "normality" concept that most people handle. its crazy stopping and letting it hit me: it is MY "normality" sort of, and i love it. 

i am sitting in the street, outside the big bank's building, where i had to close an account (and release some stress) but i arrived two and a half hours too late! the sun is thinking of letting the moon shine soon, on my back and a slight breeze refreshes me and my     l o n g     shadow that sinks in the creek, heavily transited by abbras, traders, tourists ... i am where the city has a soul,

* i believe you will enjoy *

A little Maori Story

The first parents were Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatuanuku (Earth Mother), whose children existed in darkness between them until Tane pushed his parents apart to let light into the world.

We are related to the world about us through the children of Ranginui and Papatuanuku. Tane is the atua (God) responsible for forests and the birds and insects that live on the land, and also for people and their knowledge of the world. Tangaroa is the god of sea, his children are the fish of sea and fresh water.

Other imoprtant atua are Rongo (responsible for cultivated plants and also peace), Haumiatiketike (god or aruhe of fern root), Tawhirimatea (god of winds) and Tumateuenga (god of war).

Respect must be shown to the relevant God before beginning any enterprise, such as taking food from the sea or forest, planting crops or starting out on a war extepedition.

 Atua may also refer to other supernatral beings or spirits , which  might have a bening or maliciuos influence on individual or groups.

"We treat our artworks as people because many of them represent our ancestors who for us are real persons. though they died generations ago they live in our memories and we live with them, for they are an essential part of our identity as Maori individuals. They are our anchor points in our genealogies and in our history. Without them we have no position in society and we have no social reality. We form with them the social universe of Maoridom"
Hirini Moko Maed, Ngati Awa