Through my window the first rays, still cold and orange. I look at them, I turn around and try to go on. I stay up thinking, accompanied by my clothes, some bizarre accessories that you never know where they came from nor how they last all night long in my bed, my bottle of water... Everything is there. Just like yesterday, probably, just like tomorrow. And I think until I am fed up of thinking and fall asleep again. Now the same rays are more aggressive and wake me up for good, I rehydrate myself and think "he's gotta be coming soon!!!" with a joy that fills my soul for a split of a second, then oblivion lets memory take place and I remember that this time, well this time is different. TOday you don't come back like yesterday, nor you will tonight at some ridiculous time ... nor tomorrow.
Things change constantly,verbiage attack, my spirit escapes my body and roams around. But this is not the same, and I want it to be the same, it hurts not being able to share the spontaneous and authentic excitement of the just occurred.
And arriving home and sharing a coffee, a muffin, a smoke or whatever...There it waits, all. With a calmness that freaks me out. Here, life, in between books in the shelves and hindi incense smells. Glasses in the cupboard laughing at their emptiness and ice literally just freezing... waiting for you to come back and go on, under the same sky.
Feb. 2009
Your words always touch me in such a powerful way! ... and all i have to say is I can't wait to see you=)Love You and Miss You so much Piru!!!