"better to slip with your feet than with your tongue"
"WheN you are iN tuNe With the uNkNoWN, the kNoWN is p e a c e f u l "
"when the mind is backed by will, miracles happen"
"without realizing who you are, happiness cannot come to you"
"life is a gift, if you don't value your gift, nobody else will"
"never utter a wrong word, think a wrong thought or wish a wrong wish"
"real happiness lies in that which never comes nor goes, but simply is"
"DON'T TAKE PRide in t a k i n g . g i v e a n d y ou will BE GIVEN VIRTUES"
"there are three values: feel good, be good and do good"
"where there is lve, there is n questin"
"obey, serve, love, EXCEL"
" u n i t e with your o w n h i g h e r s e l f and create a f r i e n d s h i p "
"there is a beauty in your presence. sh0w wh0 you are"
"don't sleEp counting sheEps. count blessings, then sleEp"
"when you know that all is light you are enlightened"
"may your light become a living universal light"
"we are here to love each other, serve each other and uplift each other"
"to learn, r e a d . to know, w r i t e . to master, t e a c h"

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