I am outraged.
Last night I found out that everything we do say and write or happens in the net, same as Vegas, stays in the net. No way to Undo. OK. I will forget about eight out of ten of that stuff in less than a week anyway.
But what really got me, flipped me and drove me totally insane -ok, I have a life, it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but you get my point?- is that I have a gmail account, and that comes with so many others that I didn't ask for, didn't even know they exist, don't know what they are for and last but not least and worst of all HAVE a life of their own. So when I try to mutilate those parasite accounts, I can't.
They are a pest for which I have no pesticide. Nobody has it, or maybe Mr.Google does but won't share the recipe. This is such a violation to my rights. To everyone's rights.
First I thought I'm just a computer dummie and can't find the link to de-activate such accounts. Then I email a friend asking for advice and releasing my tension and frustration of having been publicly sharing some info without even knowing, then I sleep and today I went on with my research to find out there is no solution and a whole lotta bunch of people in the same situation. And there are heaps of forums of people complaining about the same.
I'm talking to you Mr. Google:
do you think because you are a stiff ass nerd computer genius with a lot of money you can do that?
Well, you are so damned right. Because you actually do it.
But I hope you know what you are doing is SO WRONG!!
why don't you share THAT with the whole cyber universe Mr.G?
Since when can the net decide for me to what services do I sign up for? If they at least informed me -in a way I understood that they are informing me that I am being signed up for something that I don't like, don't want, don't even know what it's for AND HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT OR ACCEPT- I wouldn't be so upset because at least they had the decency of letting me know they are doing with my cyber life whatever their unhappy arses feel like. But instead they rob me of such basic rights as knowledge & decision making.
Or maybe it's a generational difference? That Mr.G cool dawg here thinks he can do whatever he feels like simply because he is the boss and I am to accept simply because I am not the boss? Naye, I don't think so. I bet a lot of older than him people feel like I do too. At least if they know how it works...
We should unite forces and not let these things happen! Fight for our rights!! I wish I could cancel my Google account but if I do so I'd loose my blog. And you, dear readers, would loose me. And we don't want that to happen. I know...Sad. In the end, it's always all about me. haha.
Shame on them all!