May 23, 2011

A Dejá-Vu and one more beer please

düsseldorf, germany 
-one of the many places where the cure played a lot-

I might be the virgin of the snow according to my native ¨mapuche¨ name... WHATE-E-VER! This is the only time I have doubted my identity, my origin, my purpose. 

Man, it was a kookoos, maniac, dingy cold, soooo cold! And yo,  If i was ever cold in my life, suffering cold ... this was the second time in ... many years! Once in chile, when i was so young, I still remember in pain! 

I was walking down the streets, sightseeing : -12C can't be so bad, right? (who sent me on a walking tour after hanging out in KualaLumpur's weather?) and all I could think about was that I just wanna get inside wherever because my feet are so cold I'm afraid they're gonna fall off, you know?

It was lovely though, just lovely. This frozen river across the city and the trees, bare and whitened, and every building is just gorgeous to look at, I mean, one may or may not like the style, but every square cm is just so worked out, like a piece of art itself... thats something that still amazes me of europe ~  so peaceful all in all... 

Of course my walk ended up in this old area where the "longest bar" in the world is, or that's what they (when I say THEY I refer to people who knows about what they talk, or at least so They think) say. I thought I was going to find a just enormously long bar. But I did not. THEY don't mean a real bar, but just a street full of bars. And they also sell postcards :) 

I just walked in impulsively when my feet could seriously bear no longer any more cold. I didn't look around, I didn't choose.  I find myself in this very typical restaurant/brewery... It reminded me soooooooooooo much of my grandma's place! No kidding, same wooden dinner tables, the chairs: just identical! Can you believe it? Even the lamps! This classic german beer glassware, the china, everything...Even the ambiance, decoration. It was a flash, a good one. Just never thought that such a whatever restaurant would give me this kinda dejá-vu
Many months later, talking with my grandma, she tells me that she moved boxed, shipped and dismantled her german house in sweet home Buenos Aires, and now I get it all.

Then it was toooo cold, toooo dark to keep walking around... my camera decided not to work anymore. Yes, it was so cold that even the camera went on strike! 

The Cure on the iPod, heated train, this is the first world! I just hit it back to hotel's bar. There I asked for the house's "reddest" beer in color that they had. Yes, I meant an Ale, but I only learnt this later on. It was the best beer I've had ever! Smooth, bewitching, persuasive, irresistible, rounded and with so many levels of notes, smells, tastes. So complete. Too bad I don't even know the name because it was so german, so hard to understand. Apparently, from what I got from the bar attendant's english, it is like Düs' local beer, so shouldn't be hard to find.  It was just soooooooooo good I still dream about our reencounter. And so cheap I had to drink so oooo ooooooh much! Shame, I know, I just didn't want to come back with loose change in my pockets.

Germans at the place were quite funny. singing along the piano.... At first it was all quiet, everybody silently enjoying their drinks, piano playing mello songs. But it ended up almost like a karaoke full of drunk, tall, blonde and red faced germans singing out loud, very elegant they were. This surprised me as well. Maybe is just the profile of 5* hotel? Whatever. I was just sitting and ejoying my beers, writing, they made me feel soooo inspired! and those peanuts... mmm... crunchy, spicy, delicious! 

What I wouldn't give for one more kiss of that beer in my lips? 

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