Nov 3, 2010

Vita sine litteris mors est: Life without literature is death.

    Saturday afternoon. Most other countries only acquire this atmosphere on a Sunday afternoon. Here sunday is a work-day already, we don't hate Mondays, we hate Sundays. We don't love Fridays, we love Thursdays. Weird. I know. Still, life goes on as it would anywhere else. I drift my way to the bookstore. I choose this one because there is a coffee shop well hidden in the rear end, inviting one to seat and relax, whilst checking out as many books as you feel like from the mega-store. It's kind of a library (to me, cheap third world-er)

     What's going on? To my surprise, a lot more people than I ever though of are readers. And they were all there. Yeah, surprises are not always good. Heaps of shelves with the equivalent to 2.717USD prized books, and good ones too! I can't help myslef: I get lost inspecting all these volumes & all these people, reading, selecting, changing mind, books, and arms until the poor ones ask me for a halt. After checking out with all my new books about herbs and chinese treatments, travel stories, how to's and travel magazines and a few novels too I finally make it to the cafe: packed. I automatically turn around and leave. 

     The weather  is still too hot for me and my enjoyment, so I still prefer the malls. Some of them have really nice secret gems to go and enjoy a long while on your own under decent weather conditions and no distractions at all. Lucky me, I have an exaggerated amount of places to choose from, so I choose the one by the ski slope, the Apres Cafe, with the (artificial) chimney on, the (artificial) snow falling and (real) people and life going on around me and my bubble of peace and surrealism. Classical music masters tune my world as I unwind, open a book and zip the peppermint infusion.

     Who knows how long I was in trance for, but I do come back to life alerted by a vibration on my phone -the bank telling me how much money was discounted from my account today- Aaaaggghh! Guilt, always there reassuring me that I am back in the real life. Guilt is science fiction in the surreal bubble life that unfolds neatly in between pages and pages and music muting the human buzz. . . 

     Oh man, don't I love reason sometimes!? YES!! Because when else would I have gotten all these volumes of must have's if not now that they are on sale, right? And what enriches someone as much as literature? Few things compare.

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